Découvrez notre manifeste

Le plus grand fabricant de jeux extérieurs au Canada

Nous sommes
le plus grand
fabricant de
jeux extérieurs
au Canada

We make the world a better place
One day, one story, one playground at a time

I want to be inspired, make me dream!

Colourful new products to get you moving!

CataWOW Jambette

Get ready to go "Oooooh!", "Ah!" and "Wow!" as you leaf through the 2025-2025 product catalogue

See the Jambette catalogue



Nous sommes éclatés et créatifs

Découvrir notre JUXi Créativité

Nous sommes experts des parcs inclusifs

Notre approche, nos produits, nos idées

Nous voulons embellir le monde

Découvrir Jambette

No more price requests

Buy directly more than 100 small equipment

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Be Jambette!

A job where fun, freedom and attention are part of everyday life. Come and make children's playground equipment and have a blast with a playful and mindful team!

See jobs