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Outdoor Classroom

Teaching beyond the four walls!


The Jambette Outdoor Classroom offers a versatile teaching environment, adapted to the various educational needs of children. 

Tangible and Proven Benefits

Stepping outside the four walls has positive effects on everyone, including teachers! Not only can they also enjoy the benefits of fresh air, but they will find a classroom of more alert, engaged, and creative students.

According to an article published by Cent Degrés, participating teachers observe a notable positive effect on the morale and mental health of children and teaching staff, an increased environmental awareness, as well as improved student attention and motivation. Children are happy and eager to return to school the next day, and teachers are delighted with the class's attitude and student engagement.

The outdoor setting also offers more flexibility in teaching techniques. Children learn in different ways, and some students need to move to learn. The space provided by the outdoor classroom facilitates the organization of various activities that can make the teacher’s lesson even more dynamic.

An Outdoor Classroom Designed for You

An outdoor classroom is an opportunity to elevate and revitalize your entire institution.

Several questions arise when it comes to its layout, as many factors will impact the experience of both students and teachers. It is essential to plan the layout with a consultant to create a stimulating, ergonomic, and teaching-adapted learning space.

Some layout criteria to consider:

  • Weather conditions (sun, shade, wind, rain, snow)
  • Location (preferably visible to prevent vandalism)
  • Furniture (according to the needs and size of your classes)
  • Landscaping (will create the ambiance of your classroom)
Modular play systems

The Outdoor Classroom

Outdoor Classroom

Age groups