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Privacy Policy

Dear User,

We want to emphasize the importance of protecting your personal information when using our website. In today's digital age, where data moves quickly, it is essential to take measures to preserve your privacy. 

Your personal information includes all information identifying you as an individual, such as your name, address, phone number, email address, and financial data. When making online transactions, registering on social networks, or using our online services, this information can be collected.

It is crucial to understand that this information is valuable and could be misused if it falls into the wrong hands. Malicious individuals could use them to commit financial fraud, steal your identity, or harass you. That's why we are firmly committed to protecting your data.

We implement advanced security measures to prevent any unwanted intrusion into our system and to ensure the confidentiality of your information. We use encryption technologies and secure protocols to maintain the confidentiality and integrity of your personal data.

Additionally, we commit not to share your personal information with third parties without your explicit consent. We will only use them in the context of the services we offer you, and we will ensure that they are stored securely, complying with the current regulations.

We also encourage you to take additional precautions to protect your personal information. Use strong and unique passwords for your online accounts, avoid sharing confidential information with unreliable sources, and regularly monitor your accounts to detect any suspicious activity.

Protecting your personal information is a shared responsibility. We are committed to doing our part, but we also rely on your cooperation to take appropriate security measures. Together, we can contribute to creating a safe and protected online environment for all our users.

We thank you for your trust and cooperation in our approach to protecting personal information.

If you have any questions, please contact our Privacy Officer at vieprivee@jambette.com